Tuesday, December 27, 2011

i used to send out a yearly excerpt.
maybe you will remember them.
if so, it means you knew me quite a long time ago.*
then one year i forgot.
and the pattern was lost.
here's me trying to start up a new tradition once again.

2011 - the new adventures of bex + eric + caleb**

bex: status updates...***
before the year began: a wife for four years to my wonderful husband eric
at the start: a classical studies / geography teacher, in charge of the environmental council and assistant dean in charge of pastoral and academic needs of 350 students at pakuranga college
part way through: involved in church activities at eastview baptist including preaching, running creche and helping organise a family camp
towards the end: becoming a mum on september 1st to caleb merriman jeffery (4.8kg)
at the end: working for nzqa, hosting my canadian family and writing a yearly excerpt in bullet point format

eric: status updates:
before the year began: a husband for four years to my wonderful wife bex
at the start: an english teacher, professional learning coach focussing on digital technology, and in charge of boys' football at pakuranga college
part way through: involved in church activities at eastview baptist including worship leading and helping organise a family camp
towards the end: becoming a dad on september 1st to caleb merriman jeffery (10lb10oz)
at the end: given a promotion to become an assistant dean in 2012 at school, hosting my canadian family and letting bex write this yearly excerpt in bullet point format

caleb: status updates:
before the year began: living inside mum
at the start: growing bigger inside mum
part way through: growing very large inside mum
towards the end: being born on september 1st via emergency c-section due to size
at the end: 4 months old and smiling and laughing a lot

the three of us wish you all the very best for 2012 and maybe we will attempt to keep up this tradition for the years to come... if any of these bullet points appeal to you and you want to know more - leave a comment!

much love,
bex, eric and caleb****

*hello to all of you!
**obviously it's new because it's not just bex anymore
***i'd just like to take this opportunity to state that i am pretty positive i was one of the very first kiwis ever to use facebook (thanks meghan jeffery for the invite when it was opened to the world in 2006)
****actually caleb has no idea i'm writing this but i shall include him in the credits regardless (actually i wrote eric's part as well)