Monday, April 12, 2004

right. so what's going on with me? you may be asking. or may not. i wouldn't know. but if you were, here's my answer. and if you weren't, here's my answer anyway.

in the midst of recovering from jetlag (which i find a ridiculous concept because a) i was only in new zealand for four nights, and b) i never adjusted to new zealand time so c) why am i waking at 4.30 every morning??), i suddenly became very aware of the amount of work that needs to be done before the crunch-hand-in-thesis date at the end of may (perhaps one good point about the jetlag is that i get many more hours in the day to work). my supervisor sadly did not make me feel any better when he suddenly announced that part of my data was 'wrong' and that he had some 'new ideas'.

data being 'wrong' is not what one (heh, would you have ever imagined me using such a term mum, after all those years of not liking it!!) likes to hear when the thesis is due in 6 or so weeks. and as for 'new ideas'. i think i have come to loathe such a term. especially when they involve graphs. and maths. and things that i did not spend four years at university studying.

so a not-so-happy girl talked to her ever-loving father and it now seems that, thanks to good internet connections and a wonderfully supportive family that all can do maths, i quite possibly shall be okay after all!

very good news.

i have been gorging myself on easter eggs from new zealand. and i have my eye on the four one litre bottles of l&p that i put in my hand luggage but so far have resisted temptation. apart from that, leuven is still overcast, my room is still a mess and i still like the colour orange.