Monday, June 28, 2004

where am i? wouter's house, tilburg, holland.

what have i been doing?
1: last night i saw more people dressed in orange then i have ever seen in my life. i saw more orange balloons and streamers and hats and general orangeness than you could imagine. why? last night was the big soccer game, in the eurocup 2004 competition, between holland and sweden. and last night i watched the game from a jam-packed bar on the main street in downtown tilburg. the tension, the excitment, and the roar of delight that came with plentiful jumping up and down in the air when the penalty shoot-out ended with holland winning was crazy. and you thought that we get hyped up with the rugby. soccer over here is a huger deal than can be possibly explained. am so pleased to have had a true european soccer experience. and of course i was all dressed up in my day-to-day orange clothes and a holland jester type hat. now my thoughts stay with holland as they play this wednesday... HUP HOLLAND.

2: today i ate new zealand royal gala apples in zeeland. that's right folks, the daddy of new zealand. such a beautiful area, much of it on reclaimed land due to the impressive dykes built out into the north sea. so another ocean has been witnessed by oneself, more beaches to be added to the list. i saw the old traditional style windmills that make me think of that cute children's book about that cow... errr, clarence? who falls in a canal. and then the new super alien style windmills now generating power for the region.