Monday, July 05, 2004

am ın turkey. all ıs good. ı love thıs place already. thıngs that have happened so far: saw a bıg turtle and took a photo thınkıng ıt was uncommon. then walked around the corner and saw about 50 of them wanderıng about. was mındıng my own busıness when a lıttle yappıng puppy came up wantıng to play and bıt a hole ın my extremely cool brown baggy pants. not ımpressed though can see the funny sıde. landed at 4am and was up at 8am to start work today. walked up and down bıg hılls and shall be ın paın tomorrow after lıvıng a year ın leuven where no hıll exısts. enjoy usıng the turkısh 'ı' so get used to ıt! rıght. thats ıt for now. shall keep you posted.