Thursday, October 05, 2006

where have i been you ask?

i spent the last four months working on a volcano*
i also spent the last four months learning to snowboard**
and i met heaps of great people.***
thanks guys.

and yesterday as eric and i drove home, mt ruapehu, distressed at our departure, decided to give us a bit of a farewell.

a wee cry? a wee rumble? a wee eruption!

i will post pictures v shortly.

* thanks to my ticket crew
** me and pahia even did a black diamond run
*** you know who you are

1 older comments:

Anonymous said...

Hi you 2,
Was keeping an ear tuned to the radio wondering if u were both ok.
So good you have enjoyed your time and new friends. Was only fitting that the mountain farewelled you, it also said come again cause you made the place sooo happy.
Lots of love, Kiwi