my passport expired last month. this is rather convenient because i have a new surname now. and the new zealand system is quite remarkable in that it was able to check with the "marriages" department as to whether i had in fact married and what my new surname should be. no need for certified copies or originals to be shown. for this i am grateful.
however. i am disappointed to find that new zealanders are no longer allowed to smile for their passport photos. i recall, back in the day, when i discovered friends' unsmiling overseas passports and i laughed and said "that's ridiculous. that would never happen in new zealand". alas, i have been proven wrong.
but why i ask you? why can't we smile? this photo doesn't look like me. it's too serious. too unsmiley. when i show up at the airport in a couple of months am i supposed to put on an equally distressed look for the customs officer?
fear not my dear bexicle bicycle. you dont look distressed in your passport photo. but you're dont like look u!
when do u head away to canada chick? and how long for? love u, b xx