Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i am having a dejavu moment.

long ago, in the days of leuven, i used to write posts as a procrastination technique. it seemed a lot healthier than continual games of mindsweeper. and it didn't really feel like procrastinating because i was still on the computer and i was still typing so i was basically just taking a formal thinking break from academia.

now here i am, back home in new zealand, and well in need of some sort of procrastination... why not say hello?

firstly, procrastination is once more necessary because im once more back at university. this time in new zealand. and this time in the middle of a literature review assignment. my literature review was the hardest part of my masters thesis back in the day because:

literature that needs to be reviewed tends to be of the sort that is a) hard to read and b) not very interesting to read.

one day, if i write something significant, something that might be reviewed, i hope that whoever is doing the reviewing will smile and think a) this is easy to read and b) this is interesting to read.

that is my goal. that, and to finish this literature review today.


Anonymous said...

yo yo cuzzie bex!
thats funny bout your procrastinating techniques. i dont miss uni/tcoll days at all!! though there is a chance i might do a correspondence paper next year - something to do with design/signwriting etc. not sure yet though. just looking at the wedding photos on your wedding site...are you aware you've been married for 63 days!? hahaha.

love cuzzie b xx

Unknown said...


seriously, you can't even consider this proper procrastination techniques because your blog post probably took all of about 4 minutes to write.

unless you wrote a first draft, then ate a bowl of weet bix, then read the first draft, then got a drink, then took macgyver for a walk, and then finally posted this tiny little blog, you can hardly even call it procrastinating!

i suggest you take tips from a master, ie, me

Anonymous said...

Wow what a deeeeeeep thinking hubby.
Such wisdom, must take some of his advice, and see where I end up,,,,,because I can sure p r o c r a s t i n a t e . . . . .
all the best to you both have fun, keep the cells working.. am telling this to myself.. x x