Saturday, February 21, 2004

for once the sun is still shining and its now late afternoon. what a breakthrough (note the literal play on words there). yet, unfortunately i am fighting internally with the feeling of illness upon me, thus dont appreciate the outdoors in the way that i should.

now really, i dont quite understand how this can be possible? i mean, up until now, apart from two days when exam pressure caused my head to hurt, i have been 100% healthy. which i have been quite impressed by. however i am not impressed that it has been less than a month since my last slight under the weather feeling and now the back of my throat is demanding attention. it just will not do.

the only suggestion i can put forward is that it is my body trying to tell me to stop playing minesweeper, which i have become far too addicted too. even if this is not the case, it is a good thing to believe and an opportunity to stop playing!

anyway, i refuse to accept the condition at hand and shall 'soldier on (with coldral, solider on... solider on...) - eh dad?

today i gave a presentation in class. its a class on the origins of christianity and naomi and i were cast into the limelight as we discussed paul and his missionary journeys through asia minor. the limelight was actually more of a spotlight, a spotlight that moved between us and our lecturer who loves to interrupt! ha. but we kept it up for the two hours and he gave us a big nod of approval and a thank you at the end. and now i have a much better understanding about many things.

i think thats all. time for minesw... oh no wait. nope. time for... other stuff.