Saturday, February 28, 2004

so it might not be a big deal for any of you, but i have not played minesweeper for one entire week - since i linked it with my odd illness, that magically disappeared with one night of solid sleep (and one day without minesweeper).

this is of great substance. before that vital moment where i informed the world (i.e. those who care to read this) of my decision, i had been playing a sickening amount. no wonder i got sick! i hate to think how many hours i spent, eyes glued to the screen... but then that momentous decision and i have done well. my addiction has waned.

okay so ive found this new game which requires being a yeti and hitting a penguin. but i dont play that very much. not in comparison. and its all about comparisons as far as im concerned.

thesis is not going well. the computer i am working on, which seems to have been suffering for many years, has come to a conclusive death. the files i use are too big to copy anywhere else and thus i am stuck, until next week when hopefully the man will come and fix the machine (or better yet, provide me with a new one!). so once again a weekend approaches and i feel things are not going my way.

however, despite the miserable predicament of work, the weather is keeping me happy, and distracted! it has snowed for three days now. three days. and this morning when i got up at 8, it had been snowing all night and the snow was thick and fluffy, all over the ground. i nearly slipped over about 20 times and found this quite amusing. i walked down streets and paths that were untouched and perfectly covered (until i jumped through them and caused footprints that would probably resemble a rugby team at training).

how can i be disheartened when there is snow??! its just not possible!