Thursday, February 19, 2004

yawn. am being extemely lazy. so lazy that ive felt the need to update this site three times today! what does that tell you about my state of mind eh?

so firstly, i just came to a realisation that the little ads that appear at the top of the page, somehow have picked words up out of my entries and turned them into ads... i.e. the other day they were talking about buying owl pellets (coincidently after my blog about seeing an owl) and now its all about squirrels. perhaps i should have noticed this months ago. probably all of you did. this obviously shows my disregard for advertising - which i view as quite the positive thing!

secondly, hurrah i got mail! and its none of this 'youve got mail' internet stuff either. but real mail in the post. thanks rachel. am listening to the cd now and am bobbing my head with the rhythm. just like when we used to study (or where i pretended to study and you got terribly distracted and couldnt study, due to my amazing bobbing and dancing abilities).

thirdly, tonight morna and leigh are the djs at a bar called wink. its sort of the international bar - it apparantly has international parties every saturday night. this is exciting. the dj-ing i mean. they will be playing classic indy-rock tunes. but good for them for getting in the door i say. so we are heading off to that. later.

anyone planning to visit me soon by the way? five new canadians have arrived (either they are extremely loyal, extremely rich, or flights here are ridicuously cheap!!). no, to be honest, most of them are studying somewhere in europe. seems half of the humanities department from carlton, ottawa, are on exchange this year, somewhere in europe. 7 of them are here. anyway, its not christmas and im not at all homesick, so i welcomed them all with a 'gday'.

thats all really. might go play another game or two of minesweeper. i need some serious motivation to get work done these days.